Иностранные языки 12+

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Важно! Уровень beginner (начинающий)

Мы предлагаем вам текст, который необходимо прочитать и на встрече мы будем его обсуждать вместе с педагогом.


Story 1


By Ola Zur

Emma and Jerry are husband and wife. It is summer and Jerry’s birthday approaches. Emma wants to give him a present for his birthday, but she wants it to be a surprise, so she must keep everything a secret.

Now, her big problem is: if Jerry cannot know about this, then how does she find out what to get him for his birthday?

She decides to use a secret technique. For a whole week, while she pretends to be doing other things, she actually keeps her ears wide open for clues.

However, Jerry doesn’t really talk on this subject. A whole week passes with no mention of something he actually wants or needs!

"That’s it!" Emma thinks to herself, "Jerry’s birthday is tomorrow! I’m taking off the gloves!"

She calls her sister in law Mary and they make a secret plan.

Mary will call Jerry, ask him what he would like to receive for his birthday, and Emma will listen to the conversation (without Jerry knowing it).

The scheme starts out as planned. Marry calls Jerry and they have a nice chat about his upcoming birthday. Emma listens carefully from the other room.

Finally, she hears what he wants – a pair of sneakers!

"Alright!" she thinks to herself.

Full of excitement she storms out of the room. It was not so quite, but who can blame her?

She rushes off to the shop and buys a pair of shining sneakers, exactly at Jerry’s size. She is very happy. She will get him the present he wants, and it will be a complete surprise!

Today is Jerry’s birthday.

Emma waits until their special dinner at night.

Finally, the moment arrives. It’s time for Jerry’s present!

Emma brings in the box of sneakers, wrapped in a colorful paper.

"Wow!" Jerry says with a big smile, "I wonder what it can be…"

"Open it and see for yourself!" Emma replies happily.

He tears up the colorful paper, and takes out the box. He opens the box.

"Oh, it’s a… pair of sneakers! What a lovely… surprise…"

Emma notices that something is wrong.

"What’s the matter? You don’t seem so happy. Don’t you need a pair of sneakers?" "Hmm…" Jerry takes a look at each shoe.

"Well, didn’t you tell Mary that you wanted a pair of sneakers?" Emma asks him.

"A pair of sneakers?" Jerry starts to laugh. "I said a pair of speakers! You seem surprised. Well, I guess I could use a pair of sneakers too…"


Клуб ведет Абдуллина Галина — педагог с более, чем двадцатилетним стажем, учитель английского языка.

❗️ Важно! При регистрации покупать диплом от платформы регистрации Timepad не нужно! Это никак не влияет на вход, так как все наши мероприятия бесплатны!








48 дней назад
18 января 16:30–18:00

Благовещенск (Амурская обл.)
ул. Горького д. 129 (центральный вход, первый этаж направо, стеклянная дверь, кабинет 131)
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